Home News in English Frontiers on Ikarian “Anamatomelo”: Excellent quality and of high nutrional value

Frontiers on Ikarian “Anamatomelo”: Excellent quality and of high nutrional value

by ikariaki.gr

General Secretary for Rural Development and Food, Mrs. Christianna Kalogirou posted on Facebook, regarding an article on science magazine “Frontiers”, in which they praise Ikarian Honey “Anama”‘s quality. This honey originates from the flowers of a bush called “Eriki” or “Riki” (Erica Manipuliflora), which blooms in autumn in Ikaria.

You can see the article in the following link: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fchem.2022.924881/full?fbclid=IwAR0FpxBDLizYI-caEKm7fj20syDr0k1USQjtxekT6kCskNMOiX7HQyauzas

Ikarian Anamatomelo is about to be included in the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) products catalog.

“Frontiersin, one of the most popular open scientific platforms globally, has posted an extensive report on Ikarian honey “Anama”.

it’s referring to its excellent quality and high nutrinional value. “Anama” honey is produced by the eriki bush and carries antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, according to the scientific data of its thorough study.

The folder is already being completed, and in the following period of time it is expected to be submitted, in order to be included in the PDO products catalog.

Everyone’s efforts, which initially started with the collaboration of Serko Haroutounian, professor at the Agriculture University of Athens, in 2016, are being rewarded, and Ikarian honey gains the added value and international reputation it deserves.”


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