Home ΚοινωνίαΕπικαιρότητα Αφιέρωμα CNN – Ικαρία: Για τους εραστές της Φύσης

Αφιέρωμα CNN – Ικαρία: Για τους εραστές της Φύσης

by ikariaki.gr

cnn-ikariaΜε αυτόν τον τίτλο το CNN ξεχωρίζει την Ικαρία από τα Ελληνικά νησιά στο ειδικό αφιέρωμα που έκανε στις 16 Αυγούστου.εκθειάζοντας τον Φυσικό πλούτο του νησιού μας.

Best for nature lovers: Ikaria

This rugged, wing-shaped island on the cusp of the Cyclades and named for Icarus — the son of Daedalus who fled from Crete, got too close to the sun and tumbled into the sea just offshore — has gained fame for the longevity of its residents.

Their diet, strong community and daily exercise mean Ikarian men are four times as likely as American men to reach the age of 90, according to a study by the University of Athens Medical School.

The 99-square mile island is basically one large mountain, peaking in the central Pramnos-Atheras range. For such a small area, the geographic variation is astounding — Ikaria has rivers and tiny lakes, high forests of pine and oak, and hills at every turn that combine to make Ikaria an Elysian Field for outdoor buffs.

Ikaria's network of mountain paths known as monopatia is an informal web of routes that connects villages. The hiking guide "Round of Rahes on Foot," published by the local municipalities, details tracks and trails on the west of the island and also maps out a 15-mile tour along monopatia through the hills and villages of northwest Ikaria.

The trek brings hikers through farmland, bush, forest, past lakes, along donkey tracks, skirting goat herds and introduces visitors to the unhurried pace and uncomplicated nature of Ikarian life (this is an island where bakeries use the honor system).

After a hard day of tramping, trekkers can rejuvenate aching muscles at the mineral bath houses of Therma (whose waters, according to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, have the highest concentration of the therapeutic element radon in Greece), or look for the steam rising from various spots around the coast like Lefkada, where heated water emits and joins the Aegean.

Where to stay: Fittingly Villa Dimitri has studio rooms and apartments terraced into a hillside near Armenitis, the steps an ideal preparation for the walks and inclines ahead. Whitewashed rooms have private terraces and views of the Aegean.

Villa Dimitri, Armenistis, 83301; Ikaria; 30-22750-71310; doubles from $55



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Ο ραδιοσταθμός της Ικαρίας με ζωντανό πρόγραμμαενημέρωσης και ψυχαγωγίας.



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